The "TPV" project
In 1937, Pierre Boulanger is the new boss of Citroën and decide to create a car for low incomes people. The project Very small car (Toute Petite Voiture in french) was born : a car easy to drive et without excess of comfort for saving money.
In 1939, 250 cars are assembled, then destroyed at the dawn of World War Two apart from a few protoypes. The first version (2CV type A) is presented in 1948 at Paris motor show in 1949 with a unique model and a single color available.
In 1954, the 2CV type A evolves into 2CV type AZ; it is equiped with a new engine 425cm3 and a centrifugal clutch.
In 1956, the 2CV type AZL is presented (L = luxe) with a windshield defrost, a lighted meter, a big rear window and chrome rods.
In 1957, Citroën releases the 2CV type AZLP (P = porte de malle) : the long cover leaves its place to a metal trunk door and a palstified cover.
In 1958, Citroën introduces the 2CV type AW / 2CV Sahara, 4x4 version with 2 engines.
In 1960, the types A and AU aren't commercialized anymore.
In 1963 appears the 2CV type AZA (A = amélioré) from the 2CV type AZLP : it has a more powerfull engine and a gearbow re-tiered.
The 2CV type AZAM is out in 1964 (more comfort) and the 2CV type AZAM Export is out in 1967; it's equiped with Ami 6 dashbord and is even more comfortable.
> Data sheet : 2CV4 - 2CV6
> Data sheet : 2CV Fourgonnette
> Data sheet : Dyane - Acadiane
> Data sheet : Ami 6 - Ami 8
> Data sheet : Méhari
> Data sheet : DS - ID
> 2CV, AMI, DYANE, ACADIANE : années de production
Year | Models | Engine Type | Engine plates | Displacement | Compression | DIN power et Torque | Carburator |
1949 to Octobre 1955 | A | A | A | 375 cm3 | 6:1 | 8ch Din to 3500trs/min – 19Nm to 2000trs/min | Inverted sigle barrel SOLEX 22 ZACI |
Octobre 1954 to Octobre 1961 |
AZ | A53 | AZ | 425 cm3 | 7,5:1 | 10ch Din to 3500trs/min – 21Nm to 2000trs/min | Carburator Solex 26BCI |
Octobre 1961 to Mars 1963 | AZ | A53 | AZ | 425 cm3 | 7,5:1 | 12ch Din to 4000trs/min – 24Nm to 2500trs/min | Carburator Solex 26BCI |
Mars 1963 to Février 1970 | AZ | A53 | AZ | 425 cm3 | 7,5:1 | 16ch Din to 4200trs/min – 27Nm to 2500trs/min | Carburator Solex 28BCI |
Mars 1963 to Février 1970 | AZ | A53 | AZC | 425 cm3 | 7,5:1 | 16ch Din to 4200trs/min – 27Nm to 2500trs/min | Carburator Solex 28BCI |
Mars 1963 to Février 1970 |
AZ | A53 | AZM | 425 cm3 | 7,5:1 | 16ch Din to 4200trs/min – 27Nm to 2500trs/min | Carburator Solex 28BCI |
Février 1965 to 1973 |
AZAM 6 | M4 | AX | 602 cm3 | 7,75:1 | 25ch Din to 4750trs/min – xxNm to 3000trs/min | Carburator Solex 30PICS |
Serial number
Year | Model | Serial numbers |
1949 | A | 1 to 924 |
1950 | A | 925 to 7.100 |
1951 | A | 7.101 to 21.850 |
1952 | A | 21.851 to 43.150 |
1953 | A | 43.151 to 77.950 |
1954 | A | 77.951 to 121.200 |
1955 | A AZ |
121.201 to 124.500 150.001 to 210.188 |
1956 | A AZ |
124.501 to 125.315 210.189 to 297.458 |
1957 | A AZ |
125.316 to 125.372 297.459 to 395.334 |
1958 | A AZ AZ AZL |
125.373 to 125.451 395.335 to 478.000 1.000.001 to 1.030.214 2.000.001 to 2.001.706 |
1959 | A AZ AZL AZLP |
125.452 to 125.539 1.030.215 2.350.001 to 2.352.809 2.001.701 to 2.250.554 |
1960 | A AZ AZL |
125.540 to 125.570 2.352.810 to 2.472.482 2.250.545 to 2.265.599 |
1961 | A AZ AZL AZLP |
125.571 to 128.685 2.472.483 to 2.500.399 2.265.600 to 2.285.436 2.510.001 to 2.591.863 |
1962 | AZ AZL AZLP AZ/L (15CV) AZ/L (15CV centrifugal) |
2.285.437 to 2.287.173 2.591.864 to 2.600.508 2.801.040 to 2.801.252 8294001 to 8297628 8310001 to 8497422 |
1963 | AZ AZL AZA/AZAM |
8.297.629 to 8.299.500 8.497.423 to 8.561.105 1.350.001 to 1.434.390 |
1.435.001 to 1.439.999 1.440.001 to 1.454.521 1.465.001 to 1.475.903 1.490.001 to 1.559.464 |
1.600.001 to 1.603.541 1.635.001 to 1.635.471 1.640.001 to 1.647.647 1.620.000 to 1.628.440 1.675.001 to 1.677.121 1.690.001 to 1.711.184 1.732.001 to 1.746.460 1.755.001 to 1.806.810 |
1.825.000 to 1.862.315 1.810.001 to 1.824.696 1.865.000 to 1.954.001 |
7.028.000 to 7.046.624 7.000.000 to 7.009.299 7.055.000 to 7.095.346 7.012.000 to 7.021.960 7.022.101 to 7.024.784 7.095.601 to 7.112.929 |
1968 | AZL | 7.167.000 to 7.196.400 |
1969 | AZL | 7.197.000 to 7.234.616 |
AC reference | Letters references | Color | Month/Year |
AC 057 | GVP/EVP | Gris Cormoran | 07/1983 - 09/1988 |
AC 069 | EDB/GDB | Beige Colorado | 07/1981 - 07/1984 |
AC 074 | GDW | Beige Nevada | 09/1978 - 07/1981 |
AC 079 | EDN/GDN | Beige Gazelle | 09/1976 - 09/1978 |
AC 083 | GDT | Beige Vanneau | 09/1974 - 09/1976 |
AC 084 | Ivoire Borely | 09/1972 - 09/1974 | |
AC 087 | GCA | Beige Albatros | 09/1971 - 07/1973 |
AC 088 | Blanc Meije | 09/1970 - 09/1971 | |
AC 088 | GWB/EWT | Blanc Meije | 07/1982 - 09/1990 |
AC 090 | Beige Erable | 02/1970 - 09/1971 | |
AC 093 | Blanc Cygne | 09/1968 - 09/1970 | |
AC 099 | EVR | Gris Nocturne | 07/1983 - 07/1990 |
AC 105 | Bleu Ardoise | 09/1964 - 09/1965 | |
AC 109 | Gris Metallisé | 10/1949 - 09/1952 | |
AC 117 | Bleu Brouillard | 09/1965 - 09/1966 | |
AC 118 | Gris Etna | 09/1965 - 09/1966 | |
AC 118 | Gris foncé | 10/1952 - 09/1954 | |
AC 132 | Gris clair | 09/1954 - 09/1960 | |
AC 136 | Gris Rosé | 09/1968 - 09/1969 | |
AC 138 | Gris Dandy | 09/1966 - 09/1967 | |
AC 147 | Gris Typhon | 09/1963 - 09/1965 | |
AC 307 | Jaune Panama | 12/1960 - 09/1962 | |
AC 309 | Beige Antillais | 09/1962 - 09/1963 | |
AC 317 | Paille Brûlée | 09/1969 - 02/1970 | |
AC 321 | Jaune Primevère | 09/1971 - 09/1972 | |
AC 329 | GDR | Orange ténéré | 07/1973 - 09/1976 |
AC 331 | EDG/GLD | Jaune Cédrat | 07/1975 - 09/1978 |
AC 333 | EDL/GDL | Jaune Mimosa | 09/1978 - 07/1980 |
AC 334 | Cuivre Indien | 07/1980 - 07/1982 | |
AC 336 | GDA | Jaune Hélios | 07/1982 - 07/1983 |
AC 402 | Rouge Cinabre | 04/1967 - 09/1967 | |
AC 403 | Rouge Corsaire | 09/1967 - 02/1970 | |
AC 410 | Rouge Pavot | 09/1961 - 09/1962 | |
AC 423 | Rouge Massena | 09/1968 - 09/1972 | |
AC 424 | Rouge de Rio | 09/1972 - 07/1975 | |
AC 432 | Rouge Soleil | 09/1976 - 09/1977 | |
AC 435 | EKJ/GKJ | Rouge Géranium | 09/1977 - 09/1978 |
AC 437 | GDS | Mandarine | 09/1978 - 07/1980 |
AC 442 | Rouge de Castille | 07/1980 - 07/1982 | |
AC 446 | GKA/EKA | Rouge Delage | 08/1980 - 07/1990 |
AC 448 | GKB/EKB | Rouge Vallelunga | 07/1982 - 07/1990 |
AC 511 | Vert Embruns | 09/1960 - 09/1964 | |
AC 514 | Vert Agave | 09/1964 - 09/1966 | |
AC 529 | Vert Palmeraie | 07/1973 - 09/1974 | |
AC 531 | ERD/GRD | Vert Tuileries | 09/1974 - 07/1975 |
AC 533 | Vert Bambou | 07/1975 - 09/1979 | |
AC 533 | GRH/ERJ | Vert Bambou | 10/1985 - 02/1986 |
AC 539 | GRA | Vert Jade | 09/1979 - 07/1983 |
AC 575 | EMB | Bleu Céleste | 07/1985 - 07/1990 |
AC 605 | Bleu Monte-Carlo | 09/1962 - 09/1964 | |
AC 606 | Bleu Glacier | 09/1959 - 09/1962 | |
AC 622 | Bleu Cyclades | 09/1966 - 07/1968 | |
AC 625 | Bleu Week-end | 09/1968 - 09/1969 | |
AC 626 | Bleu Cristal | 09/1967 - 09/1968 | |
AC 629 | Bleu Mésange | 09/1968 - 09/1969 | |
AC 631 | Bleu Thasos | 09/1969 - 07/1971 | |
AC 635 | Bleu Camargue | 09/1971 - 07/1974 | |
AC 639 | Bleu Lagune | 07/1973 - 09/1974 | |
AC 639 | ENC/GNA | Bleu Lagune | 07/1981 - 10/1983 |
AC 643 | GNN | Bleu Pétrel | 09/1974 - 09/1976 |
AC 645 | GNJ | Bleu Myosotis | 09/1976 - 09/1979 |
AC 650 | GNS | Bleu Azurite | 09/1979 - 07/1981 |
GNW/EPW | Bleu des Tropiques | 10/1983 - 07/1985 | |
EAA | Jaune Rialto | 07/1984 - 07/1990 | |
Spot | |||
AC 088 | Blanc Meije | 04/1976 | |
AC 329 | Orange Ténéré | 04/1976 | |
Charleston (noir & couleur) | |||
AC 200 | GYA/EXY | Noir | 10/1980 - 07/1990 |
AC 446 | GKA/EKY | Rouge Delage | 10/1980 - 07/1990 |
AC 336 | GDA | Jaune Hélios | 10/1982 - 10/1983 |
Charleston (2 tons de gris) | |||
AC 057 | GVP/EVP | Gris Cormoran | 07/1983 - 07/1990 |
AC 099 | GVR/EVR | Gris Nocturne | 07/1983 - 07/1990 |
James Bond 007 | |||
AC 333 | EDL/GDL | Jaune Mimosa | 10/1981 |
France 3 | |||
GWB | Blanc Meije | 04/1983 | |
Dolly 1 (march - september 1985) - The main color is first | |||
EAA | Jaune Rialto | ||
EVP | Gris Cormoran | ||
EVP | Gris Cormoran | ||
EKB | Rouge Vallelunga | ||
EWT | Blanc Meije | ||
EVP | Gris Cormoran | ||
Dolly 2 (october 1985 - february 1986) - The main color is first | |||
EWT | Blanc Meije | ||
EAA | Jaune Rialto | ||
EWT | Blanc Meije | ||
AC 533 | Vert Bambou | ||
EAA | Jaune Rialto | ||
EKA | Rouge Delage | ||
Dolly 3 (After march 1986) - The main color is first | |||
EAA | Jaune Rialto | ||
EKA | Rouge Delage | ||
ELK | Bleu Nuit | ||
EAA | Jaune Rialto | ||
EWT | Blanc Meije | ||
EKB | Rouge Vallelunga | ||
Cocorico | |||
EWT | Blanc Meije | 10/1986 | |
Accessories - wheels | |||
AC 113 | Ivoire | 1952 - 1953 | |
AC 123 | Ivoire clair | 1953 - 1954 | |
AC 136 | Gris Rosé | 1960 - 09/1967 | |
AC 140 | Gris Rosé | 09/1967 - 07/1990 | |
AC 604 | Bleu Nuage | 1959 - ... | |
Volant | |||
AC 121 | Gris acier | 1956 > | |
1954 - 1957 | |||
246 - 87853 | Forest grey | ||
246 - 81426 | Plaza grey | ||
246 - 57017 | Academy blue | ||
246 - 33663 | Blue | ||
246 - 82172 | Crystal green | ||
246 - 101554 | Acacia blue | ||
246 - 122954 | Femmist green | ||
246 - 57197 | Red | ||
246 - 110754 | Sandusky beige | ||
246 - 158355 | El paso beige | ||
1961 | |||
246 - 192055 | Gris Rosé | ||
246 - 365759 | Vert Mélèze | ||
246 - 365859 | Bleu Monte-Carlo | ||
246 - 366059 | Rouge Esterel | ||
246 - 100710 | Blanc Megève | ||
246 - 365959 | Jaune Panama | ||
1963 | |||
AC 614 | Bleu Lavande | ||
AC 612 | Bleu de Provence | ||
AC 102 | Blanc Paros | ||
AC 104 | Gris Sable | ||
AC 411 | Rouge Carmin | ||
1966 | |||
AC 226 | Gris satinée | ||
AC 105 | Bleu Ardoise | ||
AC 144 | Blanc Carrare | ||
AC 514 | Vert Agave | ||
AC 147 | Gris Typhon | ||
AC 411 | Rouge Carmin |