2CV grise

The "TPV" project

In 1937, Pierre Boulanger is the new boss of Citroën and decide to create a car for low incomes people. The project Very small car (Toute Petite Voiture in french) was born : a car easy to drive et without excess of comfort for saving money.
In 1939, 250 cars are assembled, then destroyed at the dawn of World War Two apart from a few protoypes. The first version (2CV type A) is presented in 1948 at Paris motor show in 1949 with a unique model and a single color available.
In 1954, the 2CV type A evolves into 2CV type AZ; it is equiped with a new engine 425cm3 and a centrifugal clutch.
In 1956, the 2CV type AZL is presented (L = luxe) with a windshield defrost, a lighted meter, a big rear window and chrome rods.
In 1957, Citroën releases the 2CV type AZLP (P = porte de malle) : the long cover leaves its place to a metal trunk door and a palstified cover.
In 1958, Citroën introduces the 2CV type AW / 2CV Sahara, 4x4 version with 2 engines.
In 1960, the types A and AU aren't commercialized anymore.
In 1963 appears the 2CV type AZA (A = amélioré) from the 2CV type AZLP : it has a more powerfull engine and a gearbow re-tiered.
The 2CV type AZAM is out in 1964 (more comfort) and the 2CV type AZAM Export is out in 1967; it's equiped with Ami 6 dashbord and is even more comfortable.

Data sheet : 2CV4 - 2CV6
Data sheet : 2CV Fourgonnette
Data sheet : Dyane - Acadiane
Data sheet : Ami 6 - Ami 8
Data sheet : Méhari
Data sheet : DS - ID

Frise chronologique

> 2CV, AMI, DYANE, ACADIANE : années de production


Year Models Engine Type Engine plates Displacement Compression DIN power et Torque Carburator
1949 to Octobre 1955 A A A 375 cm3 6:1 8ch Din to 3500trs/min – 19Nm to 2000trs/min Inverted sigle barrel SOLEX 22 ZACI
Octobre 1954 to Octobre 1961
AZ A53 AZ 425 cm3 7,5:1 10ch Din to 3500trs/min – 21Nm to 2000trs/min Carburator Solex 26BCI
Octobre 1961 to Mars 1963 AZ A53 AZ 425 cm3 7,5:1 12ch Din to 4000trs/min – 24Nm to 2500trs/min Carburator Solex 26BCI
Mars 1963 to Février 1970 AZ A53 AZ 425 cm3 7,5:1 16ch Din to 4200trs/min – 27Nm to 2500trs/min Carburator Solex 28BCI
Mars 1963 to Février 1970 AZ A53 AZC 425 cm3 7,5:1 16ch Din to 4200trs/min – 27Nm to 2500trs/min Carburator Solex 28BCI
Mars 1963 to Février 1970
AZ A53 AZM 425 cm3 7,5:1 16ch Din to 4200trs/min – 27Nm to 2500trs/min Carburator Solex 28BCI
Février 1965 to 1973
AZAM 6 M4 AX 602 cm3 7,75:1 25ch Din to 4750trs/min – xxNm to 3000trs/min Carburator Solex 30PICS

Serial number

Year Model Serial numbers
1949 A 1 to 924
1950 A 925 to 7.100
1951 A 7.101 to 21.850
1952 A 21.851 to 43.150
1953 A 43.151 to 77.950
1954 A 77.951 to 121.200
1955 A
121.201 to 124.500
150.001 to 210.188
1956 A
124.501 to 125.315
210.189 to 297.458
1957 A
125.316 to 125.372
297.459 to 395.334
1958 A
125.373 to 125.451
395.335 to 478.000
1.000.001 to 1.030.214
2.000.001 to 2.001.706
1959 A
125.452 to 125.539
2.350.001 to 2.352.809
2.001.701 to 2.250.554
1960 A
125.540 to 125.570
2.352.810 to 2.472.482
2.250.545 to 2.265.599
1961 A
125.571 to 128.685
2.472.483 to 2.500.399
2.265.600 to 2.285.436
2.510.001 to 2.591.863
1962 AZ
AZ/L (15CV)
AZ/L (15CV centrifugal)
2.285.437 to 2.287.173
2.591.864 to 2.600.508
2.801.040 to 2.801.252
8294001 to 8297628
8310001 to 8497422
1963 AZ
8.297.629 to 8.299.500
8.497.423 to 8.561.105
1.350.001 to 1.434.390
1.435.001 to 1.439.999
1.440.001 to 1.454.521
1.465.001 to 1.475.903
1.490.001 to 1.559.464
1965 AZL
AZL >01/64
AZA/AZAM >01/64
1.600.001 to 1.603.541
1.635.001 to 1.635.471
1.640.001 to 1.647.647
1.620.000 to 1.628.440
1.675.001 to 1.677.121
1.690.001 to 1.711.184
1.732.001 to 1.746.460
1.755.001 to 1.806.810
1.825.000 to 1.862.315
1.810.001 to 1.824.696
1.865.000 to 1.954.001
1967 AZL
7.028.000 to 7.046.624
7.000.000 to 7.009.299
7.055.000 to 7.095.346
7.012.000 to 7.021.960
7.022.101 to 7.024.784
7.095.601 to 7.112.929
1968 AZL 7.167.000 to 7.196.400
1969 AZL 7.197.000 to 7.234.616


AC reference Letters references Color Month/Year
AC 057 GVP/EVP Gris Cormoran 07/1983 - 09/1988
AC 069 EDB/GDB Beige Colorado 07/1981 - 07/1984
AC 074 GDW Beige Nevada 09/1978 - 07/1981
AC 079 EDN/GDN Beige Gazelle 09/1976 - 09/1978
AC 083 GDT Beige Vanneau 09/1974 - 09/1976
AC 084 Ivoire Borely 09/1972 - 09/1974
AC 087 GCA Beige Albatros 09/1971 - 07/1973
AC 088 Blanc Meije 09/1970 - 09/1971
AC 088 GWB/EWT Blanc Meije 07/1982 - 09/1990
AC 090 Beige Erable 02/1970 - 09/1971
AC 093 Blanc Cygne 09/1968 - 09/1970
AC 099 EVR Gris Nocturne 07/1983 - 07/1990
AC 105 Bleu Ardoise 09/1964 - 09/1965
AC 109 Gris Metallisé 10/1949 - 09/1952
AC 117 Bleu Brouillard 09/1965 - 09/1966
AC 118 Gris Etna 09/1965 - 09/1966
AC 118 Gris foncé 10/1952 - 09/1954
AC 132 Gris clair 09/1954 - 09/1960
AC 136 Gris Rosé 09/1968 - 09/1969
AC 138 Gris Dandy 09/1966 - 09/1967
AC 147 Gris Typhon 09/1963 - 09/1965
AC 307 Jaune Panama 12/1960 - 09/1962
AC 309 Beige Antillais 09/1962 - 09/1963
AC 317 Paille Brûlée 09/1969 - 02/1970
AC 321 Jaune Primevère 09/1971 - 09/1972
AC 329 GDR Orange ténéré 07/1973 - 09/1976
AC 331 EDG/GLD Jaune Cédrat 07/1975 - 09/1978
AC 333 EDL/GDL Jaune Mimosa 09/1978 - 07/1980
AC 334 Cuivre Indien 07/1980 - 07/1982
AC 336 GDA Jaune Hélios 07/1982 - 07/1983
AC 402 Rouge Cinabre 04/1967 - 09/1967
AC 403 Rouge Corsaire 09/1967 - 02/1970
AC 410 Rouge Pavot 09/1961 - 09/1962
AC 423 Rouge Massena 09/1968 - 09/1972
AC 424 Rouge de Rio 09/1972 - 07/1975
AC 432 Rouge Soleil 09/1976 - 09/1977
AC 435 EKJ/GKJ Rouge Géranium 09/1977 - 09/1978
AC 437 GDS Mandarine 09/1978 - 07/1980
AC 442 Rouge de Castille 07/1980 - 07/1982
AC 446 GKA/EKA Rouge Delage 08/1980 - 07/1990
AC 448 GKB/EKB Rouge Vallelunga 07/1982 - 07/1990
AC 511 Vert Embruns 09/1960 - 09/1964
AC 514 Vert Agave 09/1964 - 09/1966
AC 529 Vert Palmeraie 07/1973 - 09/1974
AC 531 ERD/GRD Vert Tuileries 09/1974 - 07/1975
AC 533 Vert Bambou 07/1975 - 09/1979
AC 533 GRH/ERJ Vert Bambou 10/1985 - 02/1986
AC 539 GRA Vert Jade 09/1979 - 07/1983
AC 575 EMB Bleu Céleste 07/1985 - 07/1990
AC 605 Bleu Monte-Carlo 09/1962 - 09/1964
AC 606 Bleu Glacier 09/1959 - 09/1962
AC 622 Bleu Cyclades 09/1966 - 07/1968
AC 625 Bleu Week-end 09/1968 - 09/1969
AC 626 Bleu Cristal 09/1967 - 09/1968
AC 629 Bleu Mésange 09/1968 - 09/1969
AC 631 Bleu Thasos 09/1969 - 07/1971
AC 635 Bleu Camargue 09/1971 - 07/1974
AC 639 Bleu Lagune 07/1973 - 09/1974
AC 639 ENC/GNA Bleu Lagune 07/1981 - 10/1983
AC 643 GNN Bleu Pétrel 09/1974 - 09/1976
AC 645 GNJ Bleu Myosotis 09/1976 - 09/1979
AC 650 GNS Bleu Azurite 09/1979 - 07/1981
GNW/EPW Bleu des Tropiques 10/1983 - 07/1985
EAA Jaune Rialto 07/1984 - 07/1990
AC 088 Blanc Meije 04/1976
AC 329 Orange Ténéré 04/1976
Charleston (noir & couleur)
AC 200 GYA/EXY Noir 10/1980 - 07/1990
AC 446 GKA/EKY Rouge Delage 10/1980 - 07/1990
AC 336 GDA Jaune Hélios 10/1982 - 10/1983
Charleston (2 tons de gris)
AC 057 GVP/EVP Gris Cormoran 07/1983 - 07/1990
AC 099 GVR/EVR Gris Nocturne 07/1983 - 07/1990
James Bond 007
AC 333 EDL/GDL Jaune Mimosa 10/1981
France 3
GWB Blanc Meije 04/1983
Dolly 1 (march - september 1985) - The main color is first
EAA Jaune Rialto
EVP Gris Cormoran
EVP Gris Cormoran
EKB Rouge Vallelunga
EWT Blanc Meije
EVP Gris Cormoran
Dolly 2 (october 1985 - february 1986) - The main color is first
EWT Blanc Meije
EAA Jaune Rialto
EWT Blanc Meije
AC 533 Vert Bambou
EAA Jaune Rialto
EKA Rouge Delage
Dolly 3 (After march 1986) - The main color is first
EAA Jaune Rialto
EKA Rouge Delage
ELK Bleu Nuit
EAA Jaune Rialto
EWT Blanc Meije
EKB Rouge Vallelunga
EWT Blanc Meije 10/1986
Accessories - wheels
AC 113 Ivoire 1952 - 1953
AC 123 Ivoire clair 1953 - 1954
AC 136 Gris Rosé 1960 - 09/1967
AC 140 Gris Rosé 09/1967 - 07/1990
AC 604 Bleu Nuage 1959 - ...
AC 121 Gris acier 1956 >
1954 - 1957
246 - 87853 Forest grey
246 - 81426 Plaza grey
246 - 57017 Academy blue
246 - 33663 Blue
246 - 82172 Crystal green
246 - 101554 Acacia blue
246 - 122954 Femmist green
246 - 57197 Red
246 - 110754 Sandusky beige
246 - 158355 El paso beige
246 - 192055 Gris Rosé
246 - 365759 Vert Mélèze
246 - 365859 Bleu Monte-Carlo
246 - 366059 Rouge Esterel
246 - 100710 Blanc Megève
246 - 365959 Jaune Panama
AC 614 Bleu Lavande
AC 612 Bleu de Provence
AC 102 Blanc Paros
AC 104 Gris Sable
AC 411 Rouge Carmin
AC 226 Gris satinée
AC 105 Bleu Ardoise
AC 144 Blanc Carrare
AC 514 Vert Agave
AC 147 Gris Typhon
AC 411 Rouge Carmin